
The term E-business was initially used by IBM in 1997. In order to allow more types of business on the web created the term E-Business. But we generally happen to have the term E-Commerce more frequently. Actually, E-commerce is  only one aspect of E-Business. E-business is about using the convenience,  availability and world-wide reach to enhance existing businesses or creating new virtual business. As defined by IBM, “E-Business is a secure, flexible
and integrated approach to deliver differentiated business value by combining the systems and processes that run core business operations with the simplicity and reach made possible by Internet technology. In other words, when the resources of traditional information systems are  combined with the vast reach of the Web and connect critical business  system directly to critical business constituencies – customers, employees  and suppliers via Intranets, Extranets and the Internet.

Continue reading E-Business

Linux and NetBSD

The two operating systems are generally very similar, but they have some important differences:
Linux behaves more like System V UNIX, while NetBSD is more similar to the Berkeley flavors of UNIX.  From an end user perspective, Linux tends to support more and newer hardware, and tends to have a larger share of users.  NetBSD tends to support less new hardware, but its support for existing hardware is always very solid.  Linux comes in several
distributions from different groups such as RedHat, Debian, Caldera, and Slackware, whereas NetBSD has only one distribution. Continue reading Linux and NetBSD

DNS Quickie

DNS Quickie 

The nameserver is a program that matches an IP address say ( to a hostname say (test.linuxnepal.com.np). It also provides for matching in the opposite direction as well, informing you that the machine that has the address is called test.linuxnepal.com.np.

To setup the Domain Name Server, following files and directories have to be handled.

1. /etc/resolv.conf (File) 

2. /etc/named.conf (File) 

3. /var/named (Directory) 

Continue reading DNS Quickie